Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ukulele Photo Shoot

I was talking with my good friend and top notch photographer Jayson Tanega, and mentioned that I was looking for ukulele lessons as part of my assignment work to photograph cultural activities for Hawaii Tourism Authority.

Jayson recommended an ukulele maestro named Roy Sakuma. His wife Kathy was very receptive to the idea and helped me set up the shoot. It wasn't until I arrived and saw a photo of student Jake Shimabukuro on the wall that I realized what a legend Roy Sakuma is.

The studio on the other hand, left a little bit to be desired. It looked like a basic white classroom except for the multitude of photos on the wall. Just before shooting, I went downstairs where two local florists in the shopping center, Aiea Florist and Flowers By Carole, piled me up with free orchids and leis to use as props. The flowers made a huge difference in the feel of the photos, and combined with the happy learning atmosphere, made for some great images.

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